Well equipped Laboratory
- Haematology: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Bleeding and clotting time, Sickle cell, Blood grouping, Mezzott test, Malaria test (Thick and Thin Smear).
- Clinical Chemistry: Blood Sugar (Random/ Fasting). Other clinical tests are out sourced.
- Immunology and Serology: HIV (Antibody screening), Helicobacter pylori screening, RPR (VDRL), TPHA, Widal agglutination test, Brucella agg. Test, Rheumatoid Factor.
- Microbiology and Parasitology: Urine analysis, High Vaginal Swab, Stool Microscopy, Sputum Gram and ZN stains Sputum ZN stains only.
- Endocrinology: Pregnancy Test (Urine).